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Showing posts from December, 2020

Reflections & Concerns of Digital Nativity

  Photo by  Oleg Magni  on  Unsplash   I have a complicated relationship with social media, but one that is far from unique.    About once a year, I find myself on an anti-social media crusade, only to spend the rest of the year allowing it to slowly creep back into my life. I really do resent it – the way I can  actively feel myself unable to pull away, even when I’m hyper-aware that it’s not making me happy. Have you ever closed an app, only to immediately reopen that same app? It makes you feel like a lab rat, sat in the same cage all day hitting the same “reward” button over and over. Especially during a pandemic, limited to the world between my four walls for the last 10 months, I’ve found it nearly impossible to  entirely  forgo scrolling away my time.    What I notice when I delete those apps, however, always surprises me. More than I ever could have conceived, the ever-so-subtle emotional manipulation involved in using these apps was lifted, and I realize the extent to which, w