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Showing posts from September, 2020

My Primary News Sources

In 2020, I feel I am not alone in my complex and confusing relationship with the news. Frankly, my  resentful,   Jon Stewart -esque disposition toward traditional news media has been gradually building for quite a while. Finding the truth in a journalistic landscape overrun by sensationalized exaggerations, biases, hidden agendas, misleading oversimplifications, and outright falsehoods rapidly becomes a task so draining, so infuriating, that it becomes easiest to just not attempt it in the first place. This phenomenon reached a personal breaking point with the COVID-19 pandemic – a topic which I have a specific, excessive sensitivity to/phobia around. News publishers across the world were (and still are) having an absolute field day with a global pandemic. People are confused, emotional, feeling vulnerable and needing answers; it’s like 9/11 every day, except now with “retweets” and Instagram “stories” continuing the incessant updates everywhere you go. The inability to escape the cons